Why War?

Why war? Strangely, many who don’t believe in God blame him for all that’s wrong in the world – war in particular. But war results from human greed and envy, an evil desire for more – usually the territory of a nearby nation. 

Tyrants see war as a brutally effective way of taking what others own, by force. Good men and women must then be prepared to fight, and even die, to prove them wrong. 

“All war supposes human weakness, and against that it is directed.” (Carl von Clauswitz) Since the Fall of Adam, weakness has been a fact of the human condition, and war is the all-too-familiar result. 

That war, between good and evil, between right and wrong, is fought daily in every human heart which has not been cleansed by the blood of Jesus. Wider war is an extension of that. 

The only lasting answer to war is personal peace, and Jesus is the only one who can impart it. Jesus died on the Cross. That’s a fact of history. He died for our sins – all the wrong things we’ve ever thought or done. Only when we receive Jesus as our Lord can the peace of God come into our lives – and into the lives of others. The peace that Jesus gives is deeply personal, and lasts forever. It’s the peace this world desperately needs. 

Be the person in your home, neighbourhood or business to find peace on earth by finding peace with God through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Peter E. Barfoot