The Bayeux Tapestry (kept in Bayeux Cathedral, France), is a 12th Century, 70m long, embroidered linen record of the Norman conquest of Britain. Among the many scenes depicted on the 50cm wide tapestry is one captioned: “Bishop Odo comforteth his men”. The bishop is comforting them by prodding them with a spear from behind!
A sharp prod from the rear may have spurred on the bishop’s men, but there are more effective and less painful ways of encouraging people to move forward.
When the children of Israel were “between the devil and the deep blue sea”, Moses assured them that God would intervene, and then cried out to Him for help! “Why cry to Me?”, God asked. “Speak to them! Tell them to move forward.” (Exodus 14:13-15)
Moses was allowing the pursuing Egyptian army to prod him from the rear. The Lord ordered him to lead from the front. The Red Sea was the real challenge! There is a time for importunity, but this was a time of opportunity!
Moses stretched forth his rod of authority, and opened a supernatural opportunity! Through it, his people crossed over to freedom. Freedom from slavery. Freedom to worship God. Freedom to enter the Promised Land!
Who’s hot on your heels? Your bank manager? Your creditors? Persistent problems from the past? Get your eyes off the “enemy” behind and focus on the opportunity ahead! Don’t fear the prod – use the rod!
All Christians have authority, but too few use it. Do you pray for freedom, or do you claim that it’s yours in Christ? Do you ask God to heal your children, or do you minister healing to them, in the name of Jesus? Do you look behind with fear, or ahead with faith?
There’s a way through. Turn your back on the problem. Use the authority God has given you. The name of Jesus opens up all kinds of opportunities! You are fully authorised to use it!
When we act in the Name of Jesus, we exercise Power of Attorney – written, legal right to act on behalf of a person in his absence. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Peter commanded the cripple at the Beautiful Gate to “Rise up and walk!” (Acts 3:6) Jesus had ascended into Heaven, so Peter did what Jesus would have done, in His Name. The rest is His Story.
So the question is: What exciting possibilities are now open to you, through that same, wonderful Name?