The Power Of A Preconceived Idea

Never underestimate the power of a preconceived idea. What is a preconceived idea? It’s an opinion formed without facts – an opinion that closes a person’s mind as effectively as the door of a prison cell; a mental Alcatraz. 

Many people are locked into preconceptions – especially in regard to Christianity. Try talking about Jesus Christ to your friends sometime, and watch the doors of their eyes slam shut! 

If you aren’t a Christian, you might say: “I live my life and try to keep the Golden Rule – “Do unto others” – isn’t that all God asks?” 

No, it’s not. That’s a substitute, “do good” religion, based on self-righteousness. God will not accept it. But if you are unwilling to receive the simple truth that Jesus has already paid the price for your sins with his blood – if you are intent on presenting your own good deeds to God, regardless – then you have locked yourself into a preconceived idea. 

Let’s take a commonsense approach: if your own good deeds could make you acceptable to God, then why did Jesus have to suffer as he did, on the cross? You can’t “buy” a relationship with God – even with the best of intentions. You can, however, accept God’s free gift of salvation – just as soon as you are willing to open your heart to the Lord Jesus. 

Preconceived ideas about Christianity abound. Some say this; others say that. But what does God say? Well, He says that we must repent of our sins, or we’ll die in them. He says that we can come to Him only through Jesus, His Son. And He promises “whosoever will may come.” 

“Oh, but if there is a God, why does He allow war and suffering?” 

Now there’s a real preconceived idea! Because God has given us the power to choose between good and evil, and we choose evil – shall we blame Him for the results? If we – as a people, as a nation – were to turn to God, the results would be astonishing! 

Think straight. The Bible is the answer to all our preconceptions: a good understanding of even a few chapter of it would release untold millions from wrong thinking. Why not read the gospel of John before you go to bed tonight? 

Jesus said: “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” The freest person on this planet is person who opens his or her mind to the message of Christ. 

I challenge you to face the truth – about God, about life, and about yourself. I encourage you to believe that God is good, and that He has demonstrated His goodness in sending His Son Jesus to die in your place. Why not surrender your life – and your preconceptions – to Him today? You find it a great release!

Peter E. Barfoot