The Perfect Gift

“What shall I give back to the Lord for all His benefits toward me?” (Psalm 116:12) 

An interesting question: what shall we give the One who has everything, and needs nothing? (Acts 17:25) Praise? Worship? Of course, we should offer Him these. But there’s a special gift that we can give to the Lord-Thanksgiving. The difference? Praise and worship are due God-it’s our duty to offer both of these to Him. 

But thanksgiving is a gift. The centre of the Greek word eucharistos is charis, which signifies a gift freely given-a freewill offering! As Leviticus 22:29 puts it-“And when you offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving to the LORD, offer it of your own free will.” Freewill offerings come from the hearts of those who are grateful for the LORD’S blessings in their lives. 

“Enter into His gates with thanksgiving”-we give thanks as we walk through the door-“and into His courts with praise”-we speak highly of Him when inside! (Psalm 100:4) 

First, we give thanks to God. Praise and worship then follow. Do you give freely to God? Are you a thanksgiver? (Phil. 4:6) Or are you unthankful? (Romans 1:21) 

In the Old Testament, the main requirement for the Thanksgiving offering was that it had to be the best-nothing second-rate. Better not to give at all than to bring an unacceptable gift. (Years ago, we asked people not to give the church second-hand goods. Fine for the local Op Shop, but not the House of God.) 

Revelation 21 says of “that Great City, the Holy Jerusalem”-identified as “the Bride, the Lamb’s Wife”-“the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it.” However you may view this passage in the very symbolical book of Revelation, there’s no doubt that here it recognises the Church as being honoured for its great spiritual significance-by the kings of the earth, no less. 

In Bible times, Thanksgiving was a sacrificial offering-an “approach present”. Nowadays, a Thanksgiving offering requires a sacrifice of another kind – perhaps a willingness to “enter into” Sunday church fellowship with a heart of gratitude, despite opposition at home. Or a sacrifice of time – putting God before business or sporting interests. 

The main thing to remember is that thanksgiving is a response from the heart, not an obligation in the mind! Do you start your prayers with thanksgiving? That’s the bible way. (Phil. 4:6) Believers should “abound” in thanksgiving! (Col. 2:7) 

What will you give back to the Lord for all His benefits toward you? What is your freewill offering, your perfect gift? 

That’s entirely up to you!

Peter E. Barfoot