Live From The Scene . . .

“…We’re now crossing live to our reporter at the scene. Can you hear us, Brendan?” 

“Yes, Tracy…I’m reporting live from outside the residence, which a group has moved into and taken over. Who they are is something we’re still trying to establish.” 

“When did this happen, Brendan?” 

“Hard to put an exact time to it. Seems they moved in stealthily, and are now refusing to leave. Why this drab residence? That’s the question everyone here is asking. The neighbours are understandably concerned.” 

“Earlier reports suggest that they might trash the residence, Brendan – any clue so far as to why?” 

“That’s not clear yet, Tracy. We’re trying to interview the owner, who is inside as we speak, but is a hostage at the moment, we’re informed.” 

“Thank you, Brendan, we’ll leave it -” 

“Hold on a moment, Tracy! I can see some movement inside…Yes, I can definitely see… (It’s the owner?) I’ve just been informed that it’s the owner. (Is that right?) Yes. Now if I can just get close enough to ask a few questions…” 

“Okay Brendan, our cameras are following you. Well, viewers, you’re seeing it all live from the scene. Intruders have entered the residence, and according to first reports -” 

“We have contact with the owner, Tracy! Sir, can you give us your name, and then tell our viewers what is happening here – are you free to talk?” 

“I think so, I’ll try. Call me Slug, they all do.” 

“Thank you, ah, Slug. Who are these intruders, and how did they force their way in? Can you name them?” 

“They’re holding me hostage…” 

“They? How many of them are inside?” 

“Oh, quite a few.” 

“Well, excuse me for saying so, but for a hostage, you don’t seem all that distressed.” 

“Well, you learn to live with these things…” 

“Really? Who are they, and how did they force their way in?” 

They didn’t exactly force their way in – I just opened the door, and in they came. Not all at once, of course…one at a time, really. Then, today, I found that I was kind of like a captive in my own home. Know what I mean?” 

“Um, sort of – it would help if you could name them.” 

“Well, Discouragement came first. Then Moody. Followed by Disgruntled. After that Hopelessness, Resentment, and -” 

“Sounds a bit like-” 

“DON’T INTERRUPT! Oh, sorry, that was Anger! That’s another one. What a temper! Jealousy is here, too. They don’t get on – Anger and Jealousy, I mean. They fight among themselves, you know…” 

“Um, Tracy, I think that this is getting a bit…ah, I think that -” 

“That we’re out of time, Brendan? Yes, we’ll have to leave it -” 

“So sooon? Self Pity will sulk for days! And you haven’t met the others…” 

“Sir, please take your hands OFF the mike! NO! You can not have it…. 

“Take care, Brendan. After the break, tonight’s Sports Report…” 

“He who has no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.” (Proverbs 25:28)

Peter E. Barfoot