“Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1)
In the minds of many Christians, faith is a solitary word, described as great, small, valuable, or precious. It is abstract, rather than concrete. It is also elusive.
But to people in the Old Testament (where it is called trust), faith was very real. It enabled them to do great things.
A short walk through the Gallery of Faith Heroes in Hebrews 11 shows us that it was “by faith” that Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and others did what they did.
Faith came to them through God’s Word, just as it does to us. (Romans 10:17)
Abel’s faith is seen in his offering, Enoch’s in his walk with God, Noah’s in his building project, Abraham’s in his obedience, and Moses’ in his choice.
Their faith was seen in various ways: in their commitment to God’s call; in their confession that they belonged to “another country”; and in their willingness to suffer for what they believed.
The Gallery of Heroes clearly shows us that faith, which is common to all, may be shown in different ways—each unique to the individual who possesses it. Enoch’s faith is not seen in an offering, or Abel’s in a building project, or Noah’s in obedience, or Abraham’s in a choice.
The theme of Hebrews 11 is the willingness of God’s people to obey Him by leaving their people and their country—never to return. (The Book of Hebrews was written to Hebrew Christians who were being persecuted by their countrymen for confessing that Jesus was the Messiah.)
The Faith Heroes of the Old Testament decided to leave all behind them, and never look back. The Book of Hebrews encouraged their descendants to follow in their footsteps, and warned them that they would be severely punished if they turned away from Faith and went back to Law.
In Hebrews, chapter 11, we see exhibited the trials experienced by the Old Testament patriarchs, and the persecutions they (and those who followed in their footsteps of faith) endured. All true believers are encouraged to view this important exhibition.
The Gallery of Faith is not a Temporary Show but a Permanent Exhibition. Many more works of faith are yet be added. That includes yours and mine, for we are all to have a place in it.