Daze Of Our Lives

Hands up those who watch TV soap operas! Hands down, please. Now, hands up those who have a poor mental image of themselves! Hmmm, same people. Hands down, please. 

Are you glad you’re you? If not, then you probably have a negative self-image, and probably turn to the trauma of daytime TV so you can identify with the characters in the soapies. Will Mary divorce Tom and Marry Jack? How did Cynthia find out about Dolores? And will Nigel reveal Dick’s dark secret? Tune in tomorrow! 

It’s been said that there are only 36 basic plots in fiction; so most of what you see is a re-hash of the stuff you’ve already seen. That’s why it’s all so familiar. Fiction is fabrication, the end product of imagination. 

Fictional people don’t clean their teeth or do any of the necessary little things real life people need to do. If they did, nobody would watch TV. Imaginary lives are created for the viewing pleasure of millions. More traumatic experiences take place in their lives weekly than in most people’s lifetimes. Nevertheless, countless numbers spend their lives watching reel after reel of the unreal, in the Great Escape from dull, everyday life. 

In the Bible we are told to love God with all our heart, and our neighbour as ourselves. But how can we love our neighbour when we don’t love ourselves? (Hands up all those who do love themselves!) You see, if you have a negative self-image, then you don’t love yourself. If you don’t love yourself, you can’t love others the way you should. The only consolation is to turn on the TV and identify with the characters in the soapies. No matter how bad your life is, theirs is worse! 

The difference, however, is that you are a real person – not just the product of someone’s imagination. You’ll never find your true self in an unreal world; you’ll never learn to appreciate yourself while sitting, eyes glazed, in front of your TV set. 

God loves you the way you are, but He loves you too much to let you stay that way. Why not see yourself as God sees you: in His own image. Isn’t that something! Say to yourself: “I am made in the image of God.” God is not negative. “God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all. God’s revelation to you is Jesus Christ, His Son. Was Jesus a negative person? Then why should you be? (Unless you don’t know Jesus.) 

The reason we hate ourselves is because we have sinned, and fallen short of God’s glory. The way to self-acceptance is through the cross, where Jesus paid the penalty for our sins. Forgiveness is yours and mine for the asking. 

This world needs positive people! Surrender your life to Jesus Christ! He can make you a positive person! Hands up all those who agree!

Peter E. Barfoot