
A Place Called Nowhere

A Place Called Nowhere

"No man is an island" wrote the poet, John Donne. Isolation may beckon, at times, but we do well...

The Perfect Gift

The Perfect Gift

"What shall I give back to the Lord for all His benefits toward me?" (Psalm 116:12)  An...

One Step Short Of Success

One Step Short Of Success

If "the longest journey in the world begins with the first step," as the old Chinese proverb says,...

Are You Running On Time?

Are You Running On Time?

The two most frequently used words for Time in New Testament Greek are chronos and kairos. Chronos...

Oh, By The Way . . .

Oh, By The Way . . .

A parenthesis is a kind of "by the way" in brackets: an additional word, phrase or sentence...

Now Hear This!

Now Hear This!

After making deeply spiritual statements, Jesus sometimes added, "He who has ears to hear, let him...

A Little More Time

A Little More Time

We humans are incredibly complex, capable of endless surprises, mystifying decisions and...

Merely-Mouthed Prayers

Merely-Mouthed Prayers

I'm sure that you've heard it, because almost every Christian says it. I've said it myself. But...

Peter E. Barfoot