
The Day The Roof Fell In

The Day The Roof Fell In

They say that the day Bluey went to church, the roof fell in. Funny thing, that: Bluey always said...

Rivals To Revival

Rivals To Revival

There is always a Rival to God's work: Abel's brother Cain; Isaac's half-brother, Ishmael; Jacob's...

Redemption And Lift

Redemption And Lift

Theologians have a term for what happens to a person who becomes a Christian - they call it...

The Real Prayer Of Jabez

The Real Prayer Of Jabez

The first nine chapters of First Chronicles are a pretty good cure for insomnia. All scripture is...

The QWERTY Configuration

The QWERTY Configuration

In 1867 Christopher Sholes invented the first popular typewriter, and sold the manufacturing...

The Prod Or The Rod?

The Prod Or The Rod?

The Bayeux Tapestry (kept in Bayeux Cathedral, France), is a 12th Century, 70m long, embroidered...

Peter E. Barfoot