Soul Control
Some notes I jotted down years ago on what I called “Soul Control”. One lady in the UK told me...
New Wine in New Wineskins
Many people dissatisfied with “same-old-same-old” church services, have turned to mystical...
One Man in a Convent of Mercy
Christians need to accept those who are more religious and who place tradition on almost the same...
Holy Jealousy!
The words jealous and zealous mean the same in both Hebrew and Greek languages. Zeal is holy...
Seven Reasons why we need to receive the Holy Spirit
God does not give us His Spirit so that we can BECOME His sons and daughters; He gives us His...
Anonymous Leftovers
It's true that "a rising tide floats all boats". It's true also that a falling tide leaves them...
Are You Equal to the Opportunity?
A good definition of Inadequacy is “Not equal to the opportunity.” Whatever your role in life, you...
Why War?
Why war? Strangely, many who don't believe in God blame him for all that's wrong in the world -...
Why Pray?
More and more people are discovering the power of prevailing prayer. Here are a few points on how...