Are You Equal to the Opportunity?

A good definition of Inadequacy is “Not equal to the opportunity.” Whatever your role in life, you will encounter certain challenges as you move forward. One of them will stand out more than the rest, and for many people Inadequacy will be The Giant in the Land. You will recognize it by the sense of inadequacy that rises from within you.

All twelve of the spies sent into Canaan to “spy out” the land were princes, but ten of them proved not up to the task which had been to report the facts – not the facts plus their feelings about the facts. Two of the twelve, Caleb and Joshua, reported the facts and in faith declared, “Let us go up at once and possess the land!” (Numbers, chapter 13.)

I’ll never forget the words of the Sales Manager of a furniture store I worked in during my early twenties. One day he arrived on where I worked, along with the Store Manager (who, being a member of a religious cult had no time for Christians).

The Sales Manager asked, “Peter, how would you like to manage the bedding department?” My lack of schooling flashed before my mind, and I shrank inwardly. I said, “I don’t think I’m ready for it.”

The Manager, who was a towering figure, turned to him and said, scornfully: “I told you he wasn’t up to it!” They walked off, leaving me to deal with my failure to respond to what had been a wonderful opportunity.

Soon after, the Sales Manager reappeared and taking me aside said: “Peter, I never want to hear you say that again! You were ready and I had said so to the Manager. You let me down.”

He was a kind man, and I have not forgotten the advice he gave that day. Never since have I turned down a position or opportunity offered me. I have not always succeeded to the degree to which I aspired, but I have never shrunk from a challenge — no matter how large.

In faith, I have risen to the opportunity presented. That Sales Manager had believed that I was ready, but I had not believed in myself. Jesus Christ believes in me, and by God’s grace I have not allowed, and by God’s grace never will allow inadequacy to let down my Lord, myself and those who believe that I am ready and able.

I pray that you will learn from the above and that you will prove to be equal to every opportunity that life presents; that for you there is no question as to whether you are equal to the opportunity but rather a bold declaration of faith that in the Name of Jesus you are without doubt equal to it!

Peter E. Barfoot