If someone told you that you looked a little “down in the mouth” you’d know they thought you looked gloomy, depressed or upset about something or other.
Most of us get “down in the mouth” from time to time – about money, world events, or life in general. And, when you think about it, a person’s mouth can reveal a lot about what he or she thinks – especially when that mouth is in motion.
You see, the words in the mouth come from the heart. (Matthew 15:18) The deep, innermost thoughts of a person usually find expression, sooner or later, in the words that person speaks.
Words are terribly important: a powerful positive or negative force, they can bring good or evil; they can pacify or inflame; they can build up or pull down; they can bless or curse – the choice is up to the speaker.
Jesus Christ placed a high value on words. “I say to you that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall account for them in the day of judgement. For by your words you shall be acquitted, and by your words you shall be condemned.”
Every word you speak is a confession or who or what you really are, on the inside. A confession is a spoken declaration. A confession can change the course of your life, for it can bring positive or negative results. (Think of what “I will” did on your wedding day.)
Being “down in the mouth” is like being bogged in mud. If you have a negative confession about your life, you’ll just sit there, waiting for help to come your way.
With Christians, it’s different – more like being bogged in a 4-wheel drive, off-road vehicle (SUV). You don’t have to wait for help – just get out, pull your winch cable around the nearest tree, and start up the motor. Pulled out by your own power, you are soon on your way again.
The Christian’s “winch cable” is faith in God. It’s simply a matter of connection. The “motor” is a good confession – what God’s Word says about the situation.
“I can do all things through Christ” is a good, 4X4 confession that can pull you out of apparently helpless situations. “The joy of the Lord is my strength” is another. So is “I will fear no evil, for You are with me!” There are promises galore in the Bible – more than 7000 of them – promises to fit every situation or circumstance you’re ever likely to encounter.
If you are not a Christian, what have you got to help you? You may be “stuck” for days, months, years – “bogged” in fear, discouragement, insecurity, inadequacy or inferiority.
A 4X4 confession is what you need – something that can pull you out of sin. Romans chapter 10, verse 9 can do that! “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved.”
You can “winch” you way out with words! Am I saying that you can save yourself? No! What I am saying is that God has given you his Word – all you need to do is attach your faith to Him by putting His Word to work! Winch your way out with His Word.
Your confession of Jesus Christ is powerful, because it joins you to Him. Your mouth is your “motor” – “rev it up”! Ask the Lord to forgive your sins. Commit your life to Jesus Christ. Pray to God. Read the New Testament. Study the words of Jesus. Then speak them – and see what happens!