Seven Reasons why we need to receive the Holy Spirit

God does not give us His Spirit so that we can BECOME His sons and daughters; He gives us His Spirit because we ARE His sons and daughters (Galatians 4:5, 6).  


The Gift of the Holy Spirit is positive proof that Jesus not only rose from the tomb but that he is enthroned at the right hand of his Father in heaven (Acts 2:32-36).

# 2: BOLDNESS TO WITNESS  The Gift of the Holy Spirit is God’s response to personal threats and intimidation from those who would prevent us from speaking to others about Jesus (Acts 4:23-31).

# 3: MARK OF AUTHENTICITY The Gift of the Holy Spirit is God’s seal on a truly repentant heart.                    Acts 8:5-23 (Ephesians 1:13 & 4:30)

# 4: URGENCY AND TIMING The Gift of the Holy Spirit means the voice of the Spirit can guide us from within and direct us to the right person in the right place at the right time. The answer to a single question might open up an entire nation to the Good News (Acts 8:26-39).

# 5: DIVINE FORESIGHT The Gift of the Holy Spirit is God’s investment in our future, regardless of our past sins. God sees the end result and in Paul’s case He turned the church’s fiercest enemy into its greatest apostle! (Acts 9:10-18)

# 6: INCLUSIVE ACCEPTANCE The Gift of the Holy Spirit is the undeniable sign of God’s cross-cultural acceptance of “whosoever” – that ALL who believe can receive (Acts 10:34-44 & 11:15-17).

# 7: NO TIME OR DISTANCE The Gift of the Holy Spirit is God’s assurance that those who have lived with something less can receive something more, even if they never knew of its existence (Acts 1:8 & 2: 17 & 19:1-7)

Are you willing to receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit? This is not an option or choice but a matter of obedience: God gives the Holy Spirit to those who obey Him. Some people confuse the work of the Holy Spirit in the “new birth” with the gift as “power from on high” for Christian witness. The Spirit that “draws” us to God in the first place also renews our spirit and empowers us.

Peter E. Barfoot