More and more people are discovering the power of prevailing prayer. Here are a few points on how you can converse more easily with the most powerful Person in this and every other universe.
Jesus said, “When you pray” not “If you pray.” Prayer is essential, not optional. Prayer is a call on a secure line, not a futile search for an unlisted number. When we pray in the name of Jesus, God answers. He responds to our call. Not with a “Thank you for calling. I’m not available at the moment, but leave your message after the beep, and I’ll get back to you.” God is available. And He is listening.
Why pray? Because you and I don’t have all the answers. Because some problems are too big, and some needs too deep, even when we think positive. Because sometimes the mountain doesn’t move when we speak to it, and we need to know why. And because prayer provides us with the opportunity to acknowledge all this, and more, whether on our knees, at the sink, under the shower, or in the car.
There is no best way to pray. Jesus gave us a model prayer, told us to pray persistently, and encouraged us to trust our Heavenly Father for good things – all in Luke, chapter 11. We are to pray contritely, and to forgive others so that God will forgive us. How we pray may be influenced by what we feel: Jesus rejoiced publicly in one prayer, and groaned privately in another. In ecstasy or in agony, we are to pray.
The best time to pray? Jesus spent whole nights in prayer. Daniel the prophet prayed three times daily. Paul held a prison prayer and praise meeting at midnight, and a pre-shipwreck thanksgiving service at daybreak.
Which prayer does God answer? One believer asks God to prevent what another asks Him to permit. Is the young man who is about to marry your daughter the answer to your prayers, or hers? Is her Mr Right your Mr Fright? Will God provide sun for the praying surfer or rain for the praying farmer? Don’t pray against, pray for. When you’ve prayed, leave it to Him. Quit worrying. Father know best!
When someone else receives what you asked for, and you receive what you didn’t ask for – should you have prayed harder? At times, it’s hard to distinguish the difference between Wants and Needs. The motive behind a prayer may also provide a clue as to why it wasn’t answered. In all of this, don’t forget that God leaves a lot to the natural laws He put in place.
How to be sure that you’re praying in God’s will? Simply pray, “Your will be done” – irrespective of your own preferences. God’s will is clearly seen in His word – the Bible. But when you know how to pray but not what to pray for, you should pray in the Spirit (Romans 8:26,27). Every such prayer is sure to be answered!