Well Meaning But Dysfunctional

The local church exhibits diversity in unity, its many members being “one body” in Christ. United in fellowship, it also displays unity in diversity, the church members working as a variety of members, so that the Church as a whole functions effectively. 

When too much stress – or emphasis – is placed on any one part, the church body loses its unity. If any one member falls out of fellowship, the body can’t work properly. It becomes a little dysfunctional. 

Most really dysfunctional churches become so because they fail to see that gifts differ according to grace given. (Romans 12:6) The gift received expresses the grace given. It is by God’s grace that we are what we are in the body. In trying to do more than our gifts enable us to do, we suffer – first disunity, then separation, and finally burnout. 

The Holy Spirit works all the gifts, distributing to each believer individually, as He wills. (1 Corinthians 12:11) We are meant to function inter-dependently, not independently. 

Why does the inspired apostle use the human body so often as a model for the Church? Because we live in one. Because we know how bad we feel when some parts aren’t working as they should. And because we know how good we feel when every part is working perfectly. 

Good enough reasons for every one of us to study Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12 prayerfully. 

Not only will that teach us more about the Body of Christ, His Church – it may also result in us treating the marvellous and irreplaceable physical body each of us has been given with a lot more respect! 

Good news for functional churches. Bad news for KFC and McDonalds.

Peter E. Barfoot