How To Be Blessed On A Regular Basis

The “latter rain” – promised by the Lord to His people – was unique to the Promised land. (Deuteronomy 11:10-17) 

We have to be in the place God wants us, if we want to be regularly refreshed! God has set our boundaries in pleasant places! Outside of His promises, blessings are unpredictable. When we are where we should be, we can count on them! 

“Ask the Lord for a spiritual refreshing in the time when you need it so that you can grow to your full potential.” Or, to put it another way, “Ask the Lord for timely market rises, so that your investment will bring a good return.” (Hosea 10:1) 

We need to appropriate God’s promises to receive His refreshings. The latter rain was to be claimed seasonally, not simply taken for granted! (Mark 11:24, where “receive”in the Greek is “lambano”: “to actively take; to receive what is given, as a self-prompted action.) 

The “latter rain,” or Spring rain, was needed for the ripening of the Summer harvest. (The Former Rain, or Autumn rain, was when the seed was sown.) 

You’ll succeed only if you have what’s needed when it’s required. The blessings of God – like the latter rain, and like cash you can count on – are not optional – they are vital! 

The “latter rain” was conditional on God’s people living obediently in the land. (Deuteronomy 11:13,14) 

God’s regular blessings depend on how willing we are to live in His will, and that means doing everything that He asks of us. 

The “latter rain” was a sign of God’s continuing favour. (Proverbs 16:15) 

God’s approval is your guarantee of regular blessings! 

The “latter rains” that broke longtime droughts preceded times of restoration and revival. (Joel 2:23-28; Acts 2:16-18) 

It’s scriptural to expect economic recovery and material prosperity in times of spiritual refreshment!

Peter E. Barfoot