Even a stopped clock tells the right time twice a day. In those two brief moments, it appears to be working, but a second later you can see that its movement has stopped.
Perpetual motion is an impossibility. Even an atomic clock can’t tick forever. In time, the momentum of every moving object slows, and comes to a standstill.
Churches can be like that. When God first moves in power, they readily acknowledge their complete dependence on the Holy Spirit. But as revival continues, they begin to think of themselves as producers rather than consumers: that they can generate faith, rather than having to receive it. They major on prayer-power, rather than on the all-powerful God who answers prayer.
A church’s activities cannot provide momentum; without the power of the Holy Spirit, it will slow, and eventually stop. Batteries aren’t included in a revival, because a battery is an independent source of power. Nothing can replace the power of the Holy Spirit!
The desire for an independent power source was the cause of Lucifer’s downfall. Ever wondered why Jesus did most miracles differently? For one man: a new eyeball, made of mud; for another: sight restored through the Lord’s touch. Nothing predictable. Not one formula. Jesus himself waited until his Father showed him what He was doing, and simply worked with Him. The servant is not above his master, so get used to waiting on God, in prayer, in meditation, in the study of the Bible.
You can go to bible college, listen to great preaching, watch charismatic evangelists, view miracles on videotapes, and read the latest e-mail newsletters, but you will still need to go to God for the power you need. Batteries aren’t included, but then, who needs batteries when, through Jesus Christ, we can plug into the Source of all power: the Living God!